¥Welcome to our documentation pages! What would you like to view?
在你的项目中使用 ESLint
适用于 ESLint 的终端用户。包含有关核心规则、配置、命令行选项、格式化程序和集成的信息,以及从早期版本的 ESLint 迁移的指南。
¥Intended for end users of ESLint. Contains information about core rules, configuration, command line options, formatters, and integrations, as well as guides for migrating from earlier versions of ESLint.
扩展 ESLint
适用于希望扩展 ESLint 的人。包含有关创建自定义规则、配置、插件和格式化程序的信息。
¥Intended for people who wish to extend ESLint. Contains information about creating custom rules, configurations, plugins, and formatters.
集成 ESLint
适用于希望与 ESLint 创建集成的人。包含有关创建集成和使用 Node.js API 的信息。
¥Intended for people who wish to create integrations with ESLint. Contains information about creating integrations and using the Node.js API.
为 ESLint 做贡献
适用于希望为 ESLint 项目做出贡献的人。包含有关贡献方式、项目结构和设置开发环境的信息。
¥Intended for people who wish to contribute to the ESLint project. Contains information about ways you can contribute, the project structure, and setting up the development environment.
维护 ESLint
适用于 ESLint 的维护者。
¥Intended for maintainers of ESLint.