本指南概述了如何将 ESLint 配置文件从 eslintrc 格式(通常在 .eslintrc.js
或 .eslintrc.json
文件中配置)迁移到新的扁平配置格式(通常在 eslint.config.js
¥This guide provides an overview of how you can migrate your ESLint configuration file from the eslintrc format (typically configured in .eslintrc.js
or .eslintrc.json
files) to the new flat config format (typically configured in an eslint.config.js
要了解有关扁平配置格式的更多信息,请参阅 这篇博文。
¥To learn more about the flat config format, refer to this blog post.
¥For reference information on these configuration formats, refer to the following documentation:
¥Migrate Your Config File
)上使用 配置迁移器,如下所示:
¥To get started, use the configuration migrator on your existing configuration file (.eslintrc
, .eslintrc.json
, .eslintrc.yml
), like this:
npx @eslint/migrate-config .eslintrc.json
yarn dlx @eslint/migrate-config .eslintrc.json
pnpm dlx @eslint/migrate-config .eslintrc.json
bunx @eslint/migrate-config .eslintrc.json
这将为你的 eslint.config.js
¥This will create a starting point for your eslint.config.js
file but is not guaranteed to work immediately without further modification. It will, however, do most of the conversion work mentioned in this guide automatically.
¥Start Using Flat Config Files
自 ESLint v9.0.0 以来,扁平配置文件格式一直是默认配置文件格式。你可以开始使用扁平配置文件格式,无需任何其他配置。
¥The flat config file format has been the default configuration file format since ESLint v9.0.0. You can start using the flat config file format without any additional configuration.
要将扁平配置与 ESLint v8 结合使用,请将 eslint.config.js
环境变量设置为 true
¥To use flat config with ESLint v8, place a eslint.config.js
file in the root of your project or set the ESLINT_USE_FLAT_CONFIG
environment variable to true
¥Things That Haven’t Changed between Configuration File Formats
虽然配置文件格式已从 eslintrc 更改为扁平配置,但以下内容保持不变:
¥While the configuration file format has changed from eslintrc to flat config, the following has stayed the same:
¥Syntax for configuring rules.
¥Syntax for configuring processors.
CLI,除了 CLI 标志更改 中提到的标志更改之外。
¥The CLI, except for the flag changes noted in CLI Flag Changes.
全局变量的配置方式相同,但属性不同(参见 配置语言选项)。
¥Global variables are configured the same way, but on a different property (see Configuring Language Options).
¥Key Differences between Configuration Formats
eslintrc 和扁平配置格式之间的一些最显着的差异如下:
¥A few of the most notable differences between the eslintrc and flat config formats are the following:
¥Importing Plugins and Custom Parsers
Eslintrc 文件在 plugins
属性内使用基于字符串的导入系统来加载插件,在 extends
¥Eslintrc files use string-based import system inside the plugins
property to load plugins and inside the extends
property to load external configurations.
扁平配置文件将插件和解析器表示为 JavaScript 对象。这意味着你可以使用 CommonJS require()
或 ES 模块 import
¥Flat config files represent plugins and parsers as JavaScript objects. This means you can use CommonJS require()
or ES module import
statements to load plugins and custom parsers from external files.
例如,此 eslintrc 配置文件加载 eslint-plugin-jsdoc
¥For example, this eslintrc config file loads eslint-plugin-jsdoc
and configures rules from that plugin:
// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
// ...other config
plugins: ["jsdoc"],
rules: {
"jsdoc/require-description": "error",
"jsdoc/check-values": "error",
// ...other config
¥In flat config, you would do the same thing like this:
// eslint.config.js
import jsdoc from "eslint-plugin-jsdoc";
export default [
files: ["**/*.js"],
plugins: {
jsdoc: jsdoc,
rules: {
"jsdoc/require-description": "error",
"jsdoc/check-values": "error",
¥Custom Parsers
在 eslintrc 文件中,导入自定义解析器与导入插件类似:你使用字符串来指定解析器的名称。
¥In eslintrc files, importing a custom parser is similar to importing a plugin: you use a string to specify the name of the parser.
在扁平配置文件中,将自定义解析器作为模块导入,然后将其分配给配置对象的 languageOptions.parser
¥In flat config files, import a custom parser as a module, then assign it to the languageOptions.parser
property of a configuration object.
例如,此 eslintrc 配置文件使用 @babel/eslint-parser
¥For example, this eslintrc config file uses the @babel/eslint-parser
// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
// ...other config
parser: "@babel/eslint-parser",
// ...other config
¥In flat config, you would do the same thing like this:
// eslint.config.js
import babelParser from "@babel/eslint-parser";
export default [
// ...other config
languageOptions: {
parser: babelParser,
// ...other config
在 eslintrc 文件中,必须在插件中定义处理器,然后在配置中按名称引用。以点开头的处理器表示 文件扩展名为处理器,ESLint 会自动配置该文件扩展名。
¥In eslintrc files, processors had to be defined in a plugin, and then referenced by name in the configuration. Processors beginning with a dot indicated a file extension-named processor which ESLint would automatically configure for that file extension.
¥In flat config files, processors can still be referenced from plugins by their name, but they can now also be inserted directly into the configuration. Processors will never be automatically configured, and must be explicitly set in the configuration.
¥As an example with a custom plugin with processors:
// node_modules/eslint-plugin-someplugin/index.js
module.exports = {
processors: {
".md": {
preprocess() {},
postprocess() {},
someProcessor: {
preprocess() {},
postprocess() {},
在 eslintrc 中,你可以进行如下配置:
¥In eslintrc, you would configure as follows:
// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
plugins: ["someplugin"],
processor: "someplugin/someProcessor",
ESLint 还会自动添加以下等效内容:
¥ESLint would also automatically add the equivalent of the following:
overrides: [
files: ["**/*.md"],
processor: "someplugin/.md",
¥In flat config, the following are all valid ways to express the same:
// eslint.config.js
import somePlugin from "eslint-plugin-someplugin";
export default [
plugins: { somePlugin },
processor: "somePlugin/someProcessor",
plugins: { somePlugin },
// We can embed the processor object in the config directly
processor: somePlugin.processors.someProcessor,
// We don't need the plugin to be present in the config to use the processor directly
processor: somePlugin.processors.someProcessor,
请注意,由于 .md
¥Note that because the .md
processor is not automatically added by flat config, you also need to specify an extra configuration element:
files: ["**/*.md"],
processor: somePlugin.processors[".md"]
¥Glob-Based Configs
默认情况下,eslintrc 文件会检查它们所在目录及其子目录中的所有文件(.eslintignore
覆盖的文件除外)。如果你想对不同的文件通配符模式有不同的配置,可以在 overrides
¥By default, eslintrc files lint all files (except those covered by .eslintignore
) in the directory in which they’re placed and its child directories. If you want to have different configurations for different file glob patterns, you can specify them in the overrides
默认情况下,扁平配置文件在导出的数组中支持不同的基于通配符模式的配置。你可以将通配符模式包含在配置对象的 files
属性中。如果你不指定 files
属性,则配置默认为通配符模式 "**/*.{js,mjs,cjs}"
。基本上,扁平配置文件中的所有配置都类似于 eslintrc overrides
¥By default, flat config files support different glob pattern-based configs in exported array. You can include the glob pattern in a config object’s files
property. If you don’t specify a files
property, the config defaults to the glob pattern "**/*.{js,mjs,cjs}"
. Basically, all configuration in the flat config file is like the eslintrc overrides
eslintrc 示例
¥eslintrc Examples
例如,这个 eslintrc 文件适用于它所在目录及其子目录中的所有文件:
¥For example, this eslintrc file applies to all files in the directory where it is placed and its child directories:
// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
// ...other config
rules: {
semi: ["warn", "always"],
此 eslintrc 文件支持多个具有覆盖的配置:
¥This eslintrc file supports multiple configs with overrides:
// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
// ...other config
overrides: [
files: ["src/**/*"],
rules: {
semi: ["warn", "always"],
files: ["test/**/*"],
rules: {
"no-console": "off",
¥For flat config, here is a configuration with the default glob pattern:
// eslint.config.js
import js from "@eslint/js";
export default [
js.configs.recommended, // Recommended config applied to all files
// Override the recommended config
rules: {
indent: ["error", 2],
"no-unused-vars": "warn",
// ...other configuration
¥A flat config example configuration supporting multiple configs for different glob patterns:
// eslint.config.js
import js from "@eslint/js";
export default [
js.configs.recommended, // Recommended config applied to all files
// File-pattern specific overrides
files: ["src/**/*", "test/**/*"],
rules: {
semi: ["warn", "always"],
files: ["test/**/*"],
rules: {
"no-console": "off",
// ...other configurations
¥Configuring Language Options
在 eslintrc 文件中,你可以跨 env
和 parserOptions
属性配置各种语言选项。特定运行时的全局变量组(例如浏览器 JavaScript 的 document
和 window
;Node.js 的 process
和 require
)使用 env
¥In eslintrc files, you configure various language options across the env
, globals
and parserOptions
properties. Groups of global variables for specific runtimes (e.g. document
and window
for browser JavaScript; process
and require
for Node.js) are configured with the env
和 parserOptions
合并在 languageOptions
属性不存在。特定运行时的全局变量组从 globals npm 包导入并包含在 globals
属性中。你可以使用展开运算符 (...
) 一次导入多个全局变量。
¥In flat config files, the globals
, and parserOptions
are consolidated under the languageOptions
key; the env
property doesn’t exist. Groups of global variables for specific runtimes are imported from the globals npm package and included in the globals
property. You can use the spread operator (...
) to import multiple globals at once.
例如,这是一个带有语言选项的 eslintrc 文件:
¥For example, here’s an eslintrc file with language options:
// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
env: {
browser: true,
node: true,
globals: {
myCustomGlobal: "readonly",
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2022,
sourceType: "module",
// ...other config
¥Here’s the same configuration in flat config:
// eslint.config.js
import globals from "globals";
export default [
languageOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2022,
sourceType: "module",
globals: {
myCustomGlobal: "readonly",
// ...other config
Configuration Comments
在 eslintrc 配置系统中,可以使用 eslint-env
配置注释来定义文件的全局变量。使用扁平配置进行 linting 时,将不再识别这些注释:在 ESLint 的未来版本中,eslint-env
注释将被报告为错误。因此,从 eslintrc 迁移到扁平配置时,应从所有文件中删除 eslint-env
配置注释。它们可以替换为等效但更详细的 global
配置注释,或者删除以支持配置文件中的 globals
¥In the eslintrc config system it was possible to use eslint-env
configuration comments to define globals for a file.
These comments are no longer recognized when linting with flat config: in a future version of ESLint, eslint-env
comments will be reported as errors.
For this reason, when migrating from eslintrc to flat config, eslint-env
configuration comments should be removed from all files.
They can be either replaced with equivalent but more verbose global
configuration comments, or dropped in favor of globals
definitions in the config file.
例如,当使用 eslintrc 时,要检查的文件可能如下所示:
¥For example, when using eslintrc, a file to be linted could look like this:
// tests/my-file.js
/* eslint-env mocha */
describe("unit tests", () => {
it("should pass", () => {
// ...
在上面的示例中,由于 /* eslint-env mocha */
和 it
¥In the above example, describe
and it
would be recognized as global identifiers because of the /* eslint-env mocha */
使用带有 global
¥The same effect can be achieved with flat config with a global
configuration comment, e.g.:
// tests/my-file.js
/* global describe, it -- Globals defined by Mocha */
describe("unit tests", () => {
it("should pass", () => {
// ...
¥Another option is to remove the comment from the file being linted and define the globals in the configuration, for example:
// eslint.config.js
import globals from "globals";
export default [
// ...other config
files: ["tests/**"],
languageOptions: {
globals: {
¥Predefined and Shareable Configs
在 eslintrc 文件中,使用 extends
属性来使用预定义和可共享的配置。ESLint 附带两个预定义的配置,你可以将其作为字符串访问:
¥In eslintrc files, use the extends
property to use predefined and shareable configs. ESLint comes with two predefined configs that you can access as strings:
:ESLint 推荐的规则。¥
: the rules recommended by ESLint. -
:ESLint 附带的所有规则。¥
: all rules shipped with ESLint.
你还可以使用 extends
属性来扩展可共享配置。可共享的配置可以是局部配置文件的路径或 npm 包名称。
¥You can also use the extends
property to extend a shareable config. Shareable configs can either be paths to local config files or npm package names.
和 all
规则配置位于 @eslint/js
¥In flat config files, predefined configs are imported from separate modules into flat config files. The recommended
and all
rules configs are located in the @eslint/js
package. You must import this package to use these configs:
npm install --save-dev @eslint/js
yarn add --dev @eslint/js
pnpm add --save-dev @eslint/js
bun add --dev @eslint/js
你可以将这些配置中的每一个添加到导出的数组中或公开其中的特定规则。你必须使用扁平配置导入局部配置文件和 npm 包配置的模块。
¥You can add each of these configs to the exported array or expose specific rules from them. You must import the modules for local config files and npm package configs with flat config.
例如,以下是使用内置 eslint:recommended
配置的 eslintrc 文件:
¥For example, here’s an eslintrc file using the built-in eslint:recommended
// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
// ...other config
extends: "eslint:recommended",
rules: {
semi: ["warn", "always"],
// ...other config
此 eslintrc 文件使用内置配置、局部自定义配置和 npm 包中的可共享配置:
¥This eslintrc file uses built-in config, local custom config, and shareable config from an npm package:
// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
// ...other config
extends: [
rules: {
semi: ["warn", "always"],
// ...other config
¥To use the same configs in flat config, you would do the following:
// eslint.config.js
import js from "@eslint/js";
import customConfig from "./custom-config.js";
import myConfig from "eslint-config-my-config";
export default [
rules: {
semi: ["warn", "always"],
// ...other config
请注意,因为你只是导入 JavaScript 模块,所以你可以在 ESLint 使用配置对象之前更改它们。例如,你可能希望某个配置对象仅适用于你的测试文件:
¥Note that because you are just importing JavaScript modules, you can mutate the config objects before ESLint uses them. For example, you might want to have a certain config object only apply to your test files:
// eslint.config.js
import js from "@eslint/js";
import customTestConfig from "./custom-test-config.js";
export default [
files: ["**/*.test.js"],
在 Flat Config 中使用 eslintrc 配置
¥Using eslintrc Configs in Flat Config
你可能会发现你依赖的可共享配置尚未更新为扁平配置格式。在这种情况下,你可以使用 FlatCompat
实用程序将 eslintrc 格式转换为扁平配置格式。首先,安装 @eslint/eslintrc
¥You may find that there’s a shareable config you rely on that hasn’t yet been updated to flat config format. In that case, you can use the FlatCompat
utility to translate the eslintrc format into flat config format. First, install the @eslint/eslintrc
npm install --save-dev @eslint/eslintrc
yarn add --dev @eslint/eslintrc
pnpm add --save-dev @eslint/eslintrc
bun add --dev @eslint/eslintrc
然后,导入 FlatCompat
并创建一个新实例来转换现有的 eslintrc 配置。例如,如果 npm 包 eslint-config-my-config
是 eslintrc 格式,则可以这样写:
¥Then, import FlatCompat
and create a new instance to convert an existing eslintrc config. For example, if the npm package eslint-config-my-config
is in eslintrc format, you can write this:
import { FlatCompat } from "@eslint/eslintrc";
import path from "path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
// mimic CommonJS variables -- not needed if using CommonJS
const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
const compat = new FlatCompat({
baseDirectory: __dirname,
export default [
// mimic ESLintRC-style extends
此示例使用 FlatCompat#extends()
方法将 eslint-config-my-config
¥This example uses the FlatCompat#extends()
method to insert the eslint-config-my-config
into the flat config array.
有关 FlatCompat
类的更多信息,请参阅 包自述文件。
¥For more information about the FlatCompat
class, please see the package README.
¥Ignoring Files
使用 eslintrc,你可以通过在项目的根目录中创建单独的 .eslintignore
文件来使 ESLint 忽略文件。.eslintignore
文件使用与 .gitignore
文件相同的通配符模式语法。或者,你可以在 eslintrc 文件中使用 ignorePatterns
¥With eslintrc, you can make ESLint ignore files by creating a separate .eslintignore
file in the root of your project. The .eslintignore
file uses the same glob pattern syntax as .gitignore
files. Alternatively, you can use an ignorePatterns
property in your eslintrc file.
要忽略具有扁平配置的文件,你可以在没有其他属性的配置对象中使用 ignores
属性接受一组通配符模式。扁平配置不支持从 .eslintignore
¥To ignore files with flat config, you can use the ignores
property in a config object with no other properties. The ignores
property accepts an array of glob patterns. Flat config does not support loading ignore patterns from .eslintignore
files, so you’ll need to migrate those patterns directly into flat config.
例如,下面是一个 .eslintignore
示例,你可以将其与 eslintrc 配置一起使用:
¥For example, here’s a .eslintignore
example you can use with an eslintrc config:
# .eslintignore
# ...other ignored files
以下是 .eslintrc.js
文件中表示为 ignorePatterns
¥Here are the same patterns represented as ignorePatterns
in a .eslintrc.js
// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
// ...other config
ignorePatterns: ["temp.js", "config/*"],
¥The equivalent ignore patterns in flat config look like this:
export default [
// ...other config
// Note: there should be no other properties in this object
ignores: ["**/temp.js", "config/*"],
在 .eslintignore
忽略所有名为 temp.js
的文件,而在扁平配置中,你需要将其指定为 **/temp.js
。扁平配置中的模式 temp.js
仅忽略与配置文件位于同一目录中名为 temp.js
¥In .eslintignore
, temp.js
ignores all files named temp.js
, whereas in flat config, you need to specify this as **/temp.js
. The pattern temp.js
in flat config only ignores a file named temp.js
in the same directory as the configuration file.
Linter 选项
¥Linter Options
Eslintrc 文件允许你使用 noInlineConfig
和 reportUnusedDisableDirectives
属性配置 linter 本身。
¥Eslintrc files let you configure the linter itself with the noInlineConfig
and reportUnusedDisableDirectives
扁平配置系统引入了一个新的顶层属性 linterOptions
,你可以使用它来配置 linter。在 linterOptions
对象中,你可以包含 noInlineConfig
和 reportUnusedDisableDirectives
¥The flat config system introduces a new top-level property linterOptions
that you can use to configure the linter. In the linterOptions
object, you can include noInlineConfig
and reportUnusedDisableDirectives
例如,以下是启用了 linter 选项的 eslintrc 文件:
¥For example, here’s an eslintrc file with linter options enabled:
// .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
// ...other config
noInlineConfig: true,
reportUnusedDisableDirectives: true,
¥Here’s the same options in flat config:
// eslint.config.js
export default [
// ...other config
linterOptions: {
noInlineConfig: true,
reportUnusedDisableDirectives: "warn",
CLI 标志更改
¥CLI Flag Changes
扁平配置文件格式不再支持以下 CLI 标志:
¥The following CLI flags are no longer supported with the flat config file format:
标志 --no-eslintrc
已替换为 --no-config-lookup
¥The flag --no-eslintrc
has been replaced with --no-config-lookup
¥The --rulesdir
flag was used to load additional rules from a specified directory. This is no longer supported when using flat config. You can instead create a plugin containing the local rules you have directly in your config, like this:
// eslint.config.js
import myRule from "./rules/my-rule.js";
export default [
// define the plugin
plugins: {
local: {
rules: {
"my-rule": myRule,
// configure the rule
rules: {
"local/my-rule": ["error"],
标志用于指定在命令行上传递目录时 ESLint 应搜索的其他文件扩展名,例如 npx eslint .
。使用扁平配置时不再支持此功能。相反,指定你希望 ESLint 直接在配置中搜索的文件模式。例如,如果你之前使用的是 --ext .ts,.tsx
¥The --ext
flag was used to specify additional file extensions ESLint should search for when a directory was passed on the command line, such as npx eslint .
. This is no longer supported when using flat config. Instead, specify the file patterns you’d like ESLint to search for directly in your config. For example, if you previously were using --ext .ts,.tsx
, then you will need to update your config file like this:
// eslint.config.js
export default [
files: ["**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"],
// any additional configuration for these file types here
ESLint 使用配置文件中的 files
¥ESLint uses the files
keys from the config file to determine which files should be linted.
¥The --resolve-plugins-relative-to
flag was used to indicate which directory plugin references in your configuration file should be resolved relative to. This was necessary because shareable configs could only resolve plugins that were peer dependencies or dependencies of parent packages.
¥With flat config, shareable configs can specify their dependencies directly, so this flag is no longer needed.
Configuration No Longer Supported
借助 eslintrc,可以使用 package.json
文件通过 eslintConfig
密钥配置 ESLint。
¥With eslintrc, it was possible to use a package.json
file to configure ESLint using the eslintConfig
使用扁平配置,不再可能使用 package.json
文件来配置 ESLint。你需要将配置移至单独的文件中。
¥With flat config, it’s no longer possible to use a package.json
file to configure ESLint. You’ll need to move your configuration into a separate file.
¥Additional Changes
从 eslintrc 到扁平配置文件格式进行了以下更改:
¥The following changes have been made from the eslintrc to the flat config file format:
选项不再存在。(扁平配置文件的行为就像设置了root: true
option no longer exists. (Flat config files act as ifroot: true
is set.) -
option cannot be a single string anymore, it must be an array. -
option now supports the new value"commonjs"
supports it too, but it was never documented).
扁平配置文件的 TypeScript 类型
¥TypeScript Types for Flat Config Files
你可以在 GitHub 上的 lib/types
源文件夹 中看到扁平配置文件格式的 TypeScript 类型。配置数组中对象的接口称为 Linter.Config
¥You can see the TypeScript types for the flat config file format in the lib/types
source folder on GitHub. The interface for the objects in the config’s array is called Linter.Config
你可以在 lib/types/index.d.ts
¥You can view the type definitions in lib/types/index.d.ts
Visual Studio Code 支持
¥Visual Studio Code Support
v3.0.10 中添加了对 ESLint v9.x 的支持。
¥ESLint v9.x support was added in the vscode-eslint
在 v3.0.10 之前的 vscode-eslint
版本中,新配置系统默认未启用。要启用对新配置文件的支持,请编辑 .vscode/settings.json
¥In versions of vscode-eslint
prior to v3.0.10, the new configuration system is not enabled by default. To enable support for the new configuration files, edit your .vscode/settings.json
file and add the following:
// required in vscode-eslint < v3.0.10 only
"eslint.experimental.useFlatConfig": true
在未来版本的 ESLint 插件中,你将不再需要手动启用此功能。
¥In a future version of the ESLint plugin, you will no longer need to enable this manually.
¥Further Reading