从 ESLint v9.0.0 开始,默认配置系统将是新的扁平配置系统。为了使你的插件能够使用扁平配置文件,你需要对现有插件进行一些更改。
¥Beginning in ESLint v9.0.0, the default configuration system will be the new flat config system. In order for your plugins to work with flat config files, you’ll need to make some changes to your existing plugins.
¥Recommended Plugin Structure
¥To make it easier to work with your plugin in the flat config system, it’s recommended that you switch your existing plugin entrypoint to look like this:
const plugin = {
meta: {},
configs: {},
rules: {},
processors: {},
// for ESM
export default plugin;
// OR for CommonJS
module.exports = plugin;
¥This structure allows the most flexibility when making other changes discussed on this page.
¥Adding Plugin Meta Information
使用旧的 eslintrc 配置系统,ESLint 可以从包名称中提取有关插件的信息,但使用扁平配置,ESLint 不再能够访问插件包的名称。要替换丢失的信息,你应该添加至少包含 name
密钥的 meta
密钥,最好是包含 version
¥With the old eslintrc configuration system, ESLint could pull information about the plugin from the package name, but with flat config, ESLint no longer has access to the name of the plugin package. To replace that missing information, you should add a meta
key that contains at least a name
key, and ideally, a version
key, such as:
const plugin = {
meta: {
name: "eslint-plugin-example",
version: "1.0.0",
configs: {},
rules: {},
processors: {},
// for ESM
export default plugin;
// OR for CommonJS
module.exports = plugin;
如果你的插件作为 npm 包发布,则 name
和 version
应与 package.json
¥If your plugin is published as an npm package, the name
and version
should be the same as in your package.json
file; otherwise, you can assign any value you’d like.
如果没有此元信息,你的插件将无法与 --cache
和 --print-config
¥Without this meta information, your plugin will not be usable with the --cache
and --print-config
command line options.
¥Migrating Rules for Flat Config
插件中的 rules
键无需更改。一切工作与旧的 eslintrc 配置系统相同。
¥No changes are necessary for the rules
key in your plugin. Everything works the same as with the old eslintrc configuration system.
¥Migrating Processors for Flat Config
每个处理器都应指定一个 meta
对象。有关更多信息,请参阅 完整文档。
¥Each processor should specify a meta
object. For more information, see the full documentation.
只要你不使用文件扩展名命名的处理器,就不需要对插件中的 processors
键进行其他更改。如果你有任何 文件扩展名命名的处理器,则必须将名称更新为有效的标识符(数字和字母)。以文件扩展名命名的处理器会自动应用在旧的配置系统中,但在使用扁平配置时不会自动应用。下面是一个以文件扩展名命名的处理器的示例:
¥No other changes are necessary for the processors
key in your plugin as long as you aren’t using file extension-named processors. If you have any file extension-named processors, you must update the name to a valid identifier (numbers and letters). File extension-named processors were automatically applied in the old configuration system but are not automatically applied when using flat config. Here is an example of a file extension-named processor:
const plugin = {
configs: {},
rules: {},
processors: {
// no longer supported
".md": {
preprocess() {},
postprocess() {},
// for ESM
export default plugin;
// OR for CommonJS
module.exports = plugin;
名称 ".md"
对处理器不再有效,因此必须将其替换为有效标识符,例如 markdown
¥The name ".md"
is no longer valid for a processor, so it must be replaced with a valid identifier such as markdown
const plugin = {
configs: {},
rules: {},
processors: {
// works in both old and new config systems
markdown: {
preprocess() {},
postprocess() {},
// for ESM
export default plugin;
// OR for CommonJS
module.exports = plugin;
¥In order to use this renamed processor, you’ll also need to manually specify it inside of a config, such as:
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";
import example from "eslint-plugin-example";
export default defineConfig([
files: ["**/*.md"],
plugins: {
processor: "example/markdown",
¥You should update your plugin’s documentation to advise your users if you have renamed a file extension-named processor.
¥Migrating Configs for Flat Config
如果你的插件导出的配置引用回你的插件,那么你需要将配置更新为扁平配置格式。作为迁移的一部分,你需要直接在 plugins
键中引用你的插件。例如,以下是名为 eslint-plugin-example
¥If your plugin is exporting configs that refer back to your plugin, then you’ll need to update your configs to flat config format. As part of the migration, you’ll need to reference your plugin directly in the plugins
key. For example, here is an exported config in the old configuration system format for a plugin named eslint-plugin-example
// plugin name: eslint-plugin-example
module.exports = {
configs: {
// the config referenced by example/recommended
recommended: {
plugins: ["example"],
rules: {
"example/rule1": "error",
"example/rule2": "error"
rules: {
rule1: {},
rule2: {};
要迁移到扁平配置格式,你需要将配置移动到推荐插件结构中 plugin
¥To migrate to flat config format, you’ll need to move the configs to after the definition of the plugin
variable in the recommended plugin structure, like this:
const plugin = {
configs: {},
rules: {},
processors: {},
// assign configs here so we can reference `plugin`
Object.assign(plugin.configs, {
recommended: {
plugins: {
example: plugin,
rules: {
"example/rule1": "error",
"example/rule2": "error",
// for ESM
export default plugin;
// OR for CommonJS
module.exports = plugin;
¥Your users can then use this exported config like this:
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";
import example from "eslint-plugin-example";
export default defineConfig([
// use recommended config and provide your own overrides
files: ["**/*.js"],
plugins: {
extends: ["example/recommended"],
rules: {
"example/rule1": "warn",
¥If your config extends other configs, you can export an array:
const baseConfig = require("./base-config");
module.exports = {
configs: {
extendedConfig: [
rules: {
"example/rule1": "error",
"example/rule2": "error",
¥You should update your documentation so your plugin users know how to reference the exported configs.
有关更多信息,请参阅 完整文档。
¥For more information, see the full documentation.
¥Migrating Environments for Flat Config
扁平配置不再支持环境,因此我们建议将你的环境转换为导出的配置。例如,假设你导出一个 mocha
¥Environments are no longer supported in flat config, and so we recommend transitioning your environments into exported configs. For example, suppose you export a mocha
environment like this:
// plugin name: eslint-plugin-example
module.exports = {
environments: {
mocha: {
globals: {
it: true,
xit: true,
describe: true,
xdescribe: true
rules: {
rule1: {},
rule2: {};
要将此环境迁移到配置中,你需要在 plugin.configs
¥To migrate this environment into a config, you need to add a new key in the plugin.configs
object that has a flat config object containing the same information, like this:
const plugin = {
configs: {},
rules: {},
processors: {},
// assign configs here so we can reference `plugin`
Object.assign(plugin.configs, {
mocha: {
languageOptions: {
globals: {
it: "writeable",
xit: "writeable",
describe: "writeable",
xdescribe: "writeable",
// for ESM
export default plugin;
// OR for CommonJS
module.exports = plugin;
¥Your users can then use this exported config like this:
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";
import example from "eslint-plugin-example";
export default defineConfig([
files: ["**/tests/*.js"],
plugins: {
// use the mocha globals
extends: ["example/mocha"],
// and provide your own overrides
languageOptions: {
globals: {
it: "readonly",
¥You should update your documentation so your plugin users know how to reference the exported configs.
¥Backwards Compatibility
¥If your plugin needs to work with both the old and new configuration systems, then you’ll need to:
导出 CommonJS 入口点。旧的配置系统无法加载仅以 ESM 格式发布的插件。如果你的源代码位于 ESM 中,那么你需要使用可以生成 CommonJS 版本的打包程序,并使用
密钥来确保 Node.js 可以找到 CommonJS 版本。¥Export a CommonJS entrypoint. The old configuration system cannot load plugins that are published only in ESM format. If your source code is in ESM, then you’ll need to use a bundler that can generate a CommonJS version and use the
key in yourpackage.json
file to ensure the CommonJS version can be found by Node.js. -
键。如果你的插件导出自定义环境,你应该保持它们原样,并导出如上所述的等效扁平配置。当 ESLint 在扁平配置模式下运行时,environments
键将被忽略。¥Keep the
key. If your plugin exports custom environments, you should keep those as they are and also export the equivalent flat configs as described above. Theenvironments
key is ignored when ESLint is running in flat config mode. -
导出 eslintrc 和 flat 配置。
的配置,它是 eslintrc 配置格式。¥Export both eslintrc and flat configs. The
key is only validated when a config is used, so you can provide both formats of configs in theconfigs
key. We recommend that you append older format configs with-legacy
to make it clear that these configs will not be supported in the future. For example, if your primary config is calledrecommended
and is in flat config format, then you can also have a config namedrecommended-legacy
that is the eslintrc config format.
¥Further Reading