
你可以将 ESLint 项目配置放在配置文件中。你可以包含内置规则、你希望它们如何执行、具有自定义规则的插件、可共享配置、你希望规则应用到哪些文件等等。

¥You can put your ESLint project configuration in a configuration file. You can include built-in rules, how you want them enforced, plugins with custom rules, shareable configurations, which files you want rules to apply to, and more.


¥Configuration File

ESLint 配置文件可以命名为以下任意名称:

¥The ESLint configuration file may be named any of the following:

它应该放在你的项目的根目录下,导出一个 配置对象 的数组。这是一个例子:

¥It should be placed in the root directory of your project and export an array of configuration objects. Here’s an example:

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		rules: {
			semi: "error",
			"prefer-const": "error",

在此示例中,defineConfig() 助手用于定义只有一个配置对象的配置数组。配置对象启用两个规则:semiprefer-const。这些规则适用于 ESLint 使用此配置文件处理的所有文件。

¥In this example, the defineConfig() helper is used to define a configuration array with just one configuration object. The configuration object enables two rules: semi and prefer-const. These rules are applied to all of the files ESLint processes using this config file.

如果你的项目在其 package.json 文件中没有指定 "type":"module",则 eslint.config.js 必须是 CommonJS 格式,例如:

¥If your project does not specify "type":"module" in its package.json file, then eslint.config.js must be in CommonJS format, such as:

// eslint.config.js
const { defineConfig } = require("eslint/config");

module.exports = defineConfig([
		rules: {
			semi: "error",
			"prefer-const": "error",


¥Configuration Objects

每个配置对象都包含 ESLint 需要在一组文件上执行的所有信息。每个配置对象都由以下属性组成:

¥Each configuration object contains all of the information ESLint needs to execute on a set of files. Each configuration object is made up of these properties:

  • name - 配置对象的名称。这在错误消息和配置检查器中使用,以帮助识别正在使用哪个配置对象。(命名约定)

    ¥name - A name for the configuration object. This is used in error messages and config inspector to help identify which configuration object is being used. (Naming Convention)

  • files - 指示配置对象应应用于的文件的通配符模式数组。如果未指定,则配置对象适用于与任何其他配置对象匹配的所有文件。

    ¥files - An array of glob patterns indicating the files that the configuration object should apply to. If not specified, the configuration object applies to all files matched by any other configuration object.

  • ignores - 指示配置对象不应应用于的文件的通配符模式数组。如果未指定,则配置对象适用于 files 匹配的所有文件。如果 ignores 在配置对象中没有任何其他键的情况下使用,则模式充当 全局忽略 并应用于每个配置对象。

    ¥ignores - An array of glob patterns indicating the files that the configuration object should not apply to. If not specified, the configuration object applies to all files matched by files. If ignores is used without any other keys in the configuration object, then the patterns act as global ignores and it gets applied to every configuration object.

  • extends - 包含要应用的其他配置的字符串、配置对象或配置数组的数组。

    ¥extends - An array of strings, configuration objects, or configuration arrays that contain additional configuration to apply.

  • languageOptions - 包含与如何为代码检查配置 JavaScript 相关的设置的对象。

    ¥languageOptions - An object containing settings related to how JavaScript is configured for linting.

    • ecmaVersion - 支持的 ECMAScript 版本。可以是任何年份(即 2022)或版本(即 5)。对于最新支持的版本,设置为 "latest"。(默认:"latest"

      ¥ecmaVersion - The version of ECMAScript to support. May be any year (i.e., 2022) or version (i.e., 5). Set to "latest" for the most recent supported version. (default: "latest")

    • sourceType - JavaScript 源代码的类型。可能的值是 "script" 用于传统脚本文件,"module" 用于 ECMAScript 模块 (ESM) 和 "commonjs" 用于 CommonJS 文件。(默认:"module" 用于 .js.mjs 文件;"commonjs" 用于 .cjs 文件)

      ¥sourceType - The type of JavaScript source code. Possible values are "script" for traditional script files, "module" for ECMAScript modules (ESM), and "commonjs" for CommonJS files. (default: "module" for .js and .mjs files; "commonjs" for .cjs files)

    • globals - 指定在代码检查期间应添加到全局作用域的其他对象的对象。

      ¥globals - An object specifying additional objects that should be added to the global scope during linting.

    • parser - 包含 parse() 方法或 parseForESLint() 方法的对象。(默认:espree

      ¥parser - An object containing a parse() method or a parseForESLint() method. (default: espree)

    • parserOptions - 指定直接传递给解析器上的 parse()parseForESLint() 方法的其他选项的对象。可用选项取决于解析器。

      ¥parserOptions - An object specifying additional options that are passed directly to the parse() or parseForESLint() method on the parser. The available options are parser-dependent.

  • linterOptions - 包含与代码检查过程相关的设置的对象。

    ¥linterOptions - An object containing settings related to the linting process.

    • noInlineConfig - 一个布尔值,指示是否允许内联配置。

      ¥noInlineConfig - A Boolean value indicating if inline configuration is allowed.

    • reportUnusedDisableDirectives - 一个严重性字符串,指示是否以及如何应跟踪和报告未使用的禁用和启用指令。对于旧版兼容性,true 相当于 "warn"false 相当于 "off"。(默认值:"warn")。

      ¥reportUnusedDisableDirectives - A severity string indicating if and how unused disable and enable directives should be tracked and reported. For legacy compatibility, true is equivalent to "warn" and false is equivalent to "off". (default: "warn").

    • reportUnusedInlineConfigs - 严重性字符串,指示是否以及如何跟踪和报告未使用的内联配置。(默认:"off"

      ¥reportUnusedInlineConfigs - A severity string indicating if and how unused inline configs should be tracked and reported. (default: "off")

  • processor - 包含 preprocess()postprocess() 方法的对象或指示插件内处理器名称的字符串(即 "pluginName/processorName")。

    ¥processor - Either an object containing preprocess() and postprocess() methods or a string indicating the name of a processor inside of a plugin (i.e., "pluginName/processorName").

  • plugins - 包含插件名称到插件对象的名称-值映射的对象。指定 files 时,这些插件仅对匹配的文件可用。

    ¥plugins - An object containing a name-value mapping of plugin names to plugin objects. When files is specified, these plugins are only available to the matching files.

  • rules - 包含配置规则的对象。当指定 filesignores 时,这些规则配置只对匹配的文件可用。

    ¥rules - An object containing the configured rules. When files or ignores are specified, these rule configurations are only available to the matching files.

  • settings - 一个包含名称-值对信息的对象,所有规则都应使用这些信息。

    ¥settings - An object containing name-value pairs of information that should be available to all rules.

指定 filesignores

¥Specifying files and ignores

你可以使用 filesignores 的组合来确定配置对象应该应用于哪些文件以及不应用于哪些文件。默认情况下,ESLint 会对与模式 **/*.js**/*.cjs**/*.mjs 匹配的文件进行 lint。除非你使用 全局忽略 明确排除这些文件,否则这些文件始终匹配。由于未指定 filesignores 的配置对象适用于已与任何其他配置对象匹配的所有文件,因此它们将适用于所有 JavaScript 文件。例如:

¥You can use a combination of files and ignores to determine which files the configuration object should apply to and which not. By default, ESLint lints files that match the patterns **/*.js, **/*.cjs, and **/*.mjs. Those files are always matched unless you explicitly exclude them using global ignores. Because config objects that don’t specify files or ignores apply to all files that have been matched by any other configuration object, they will apply to all JavaScript files. For example:

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		rules: {
			semi: "error",

使用此配置,semi 规则会为与 ESLint 中的默认文件匹配的所有文件启用。因此,如果你将 example.js 传递给 ESLint,则会应用 semi 规则。如果传递非 JavaScript 文件,如 example.txt,则不会应用 semi 规则,因为没有其他配置对象与该文件名匹配。(ESLint 输出一条错误消息,让你知道该文件由于缺少配置而被忽略。)

¥With this configuration, the semi rule is enabled for all files that match the default files in ESLint. So if you pass example.js to ESLint, the semi rule is applied. If you pass a non-JavaScript file, like example.txt, the semi rule is not applied because there are no other configuration objects that match that filename. (ESLint outputs an error message letting you know that the file was ignored due to missing configuration.)

使用 ignores 排除文件

¥Excluding files with ignores

你可以通过指定 filesignores 模式的组合来限制配置对象适用于哪些文件。例如,你可能希望某些规则仅适用于 src 目录中的文件:

¥You can limit which files a configuration object applies to by specifying a combination of files and ignores patterns. For example, you may want certain rules to apply only to files in your src directory:

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		files: ["src/**/*.js"],
		rules: {
			semi: "error",

在这里,只有 src 目录中的 JavaScript 文件应用了 semi 规则。如果你在另一个目录中的文件上运行 ESLint,则会跳过此配置对象。通过添加 ignores,你还可以从此配置对象中删除 src 中的一些文件:

¥Here, only the JavaScript files in the src directory have the semi rule applied. If you run ESLint on files in another directory, this configuration object is skipped. By adding ignores, you can also remove some of the files in src from this configuration object:

import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		files: ["src/**/*.js"],
		ignores: ["**/*.config.js"],
		rules: {
			semi: "error",

此配置对象匹配 src 目录中的所有 JavaScript 文件,但以 .config.js 结尾的文件除外。你还可以在 ignores 中使用否定模式从忽略模式中排除文件,例如:

¥This configuration object matches all JavaScript files in the src directory except those that end with .config.js. You can also use negation patterns in ignores to exclude files from the ignore patterns, such as:

import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		files: ["src/**/*.js"],
		ignores: ["**/*.config.js", "!**/eslint.config.js"],
		rules: {
			semi: "error",

此处,配置对象不包括以 .config.js 结尾的文件,但 eslint.config.js 除外。该文件仍然应用了 semi

¥Here, the configuration object excludes files ending with .config.js except for eslint.config.js. That file still has semi applied.

非全局 ignores 模式只能匹配文件名。像 "dir-to-exclude/" 这样的模式不会忽略任何东西。要忽略特定目录中的所有内容,应该使用像 "dir-to-exclude/**" 这样的模式。

¥Non-global ignores patterns can only match file names. A pattern like "dir-to-exclude/" will not ignore anything. To ignore everything in a particular directory, a pattern like "dir-to-exclude/**" should be used instead.

如果使用 ignores 而不使用 files,并且有其他键(例如 rules),则配置对象适用于除 ignores 排除的文件之外的所有 linted 文件,例如:

¥If ignores is used without files and there are other keys (such as rules), then the configuration object applies to all linted files except the ones excluded by ignores, for example:

import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		ignores: ["**/*.config.js"],
		rules: {
			semi: "error",

此配置对象适用于除以 .config.js 结尾的文件之外的所有 JavaScript 文件。实际上,这就像将 files 设置为 **/*。通常,如果你指定 ignores,最好始终包含 files

¥This configuration object applies to all JavaScript files except those ending with .config.js. Effectively, this is like having files set to **/*. In general, it’s a good idea to always include files if you are specifying ignores.

请注意,当未指定 files 时,否定的 ignores 模式不会导致任何匹配的文件自动被 lint。ESLint 仅对默认匹配或与非 * 且不以 /*/** 结尾的 files 模式匹配的文件进行 lint。

¥Note that when files is not specified, negated ignores patterns do not cause any matching files to be linted automatically. ESLint only lints files that are matched either by default or by a files pattern that is not * and does not end with /* or /**.


¥Specifying files with arbitrary extensions

要使用除默认 .js.cjs.mjs 以外的扩展名对文件进行 lint,请将它们包含在 files 中,格式为 "**/*.extension"。任何模式都可以工作,除非它是 * 或以 /*/** 结尾。例如,要对带有 .ts.cts.mts 扩展名的 TypeScript 文件进行 lint,你可以指定一个配置对象,如下所示:

¥To lint files with extensions other than the default .js, .cjs and .mjs, include them in files with a pattern in the format of "**/*.extension". Any pattern will work except if it is * or if it ends with /* or /**. For example, to lint TypeScript files with .ts, .cts and .mts extensions, you would specify a configuration object like this:

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		files: ["**/*.ts", "**/*.cts", "**.*.mts"],
	// ...other config


¥Specifying files without extension

没有扩展名的文件可以与模式 !(*.*) 匹配。例如:

¥Files without an extension can be matched with the pattern !(*.*). For example:

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		files: ["**/!(*.*)"],
	// ...other config

除了所有目录中默认的 .js.cjs.mjs 扩展名之外,上述配置还会 lint 没有扩展名的文件。

¥The above config lints files without extension besides the default .js, .cjs and .mjs extensions in all directories.

使用 ignores 全局地忽略文件

¥Globally ignoring files with ignores

根据 ignores 属性的使用方式,它可以表现为非全局 ignores 或全局 ignores

¥Depending on how the ignores property is used, it can behave as non-global ignores or as global ignores.

  • 当在配置对象中使用 ignores 而没有任何其他键(name 除外)时,模式将充当全局忽略。这意味着它们适用于每个配置对象(而不仅仅是定义它的配置对象)。全局 ignores 允许你不必复制并保持 ignores 属性在多个配置对象中同步。

    ¥When ignores is used without any other keys (besides name) in the configuration object, then the patterns act as global ignores. This means they apply to every configuration object (not only to the configuration object in which it is defined). Global ignores allows you not to have to copy and keep the ignores property synchronized in more than one configuration object.

  • 如果 ignores 与同一配置对象中的其他属性一起使用,则模式充当非全局忽略。这样,ignores 仅适用于定义它的配置对象。

    ¥If ignores is used with other properties in the same configuration object, then the patterns act as non-global ignores. This way ignores applies only to the configuration object in which it is defined.

全局和非全局 ignores 有一些使用差异:

¥Global and non-global ignores have some usage differences:

  • 非全局 ignores 中的模式仅匹配文件 (dir/filename.js) 或目录内的文件 (dir/**)

    ¥patterns in non-global ignores only match the files (dir/filename.js) or files within directories (dir/**)

  • 除了非全局忽略支持的模式之外,全局 ignores 中的模式还可以匹配目录(dir/)。

    ¥patterns in global ignores can match directories (dir/) in addition to the patterns that non-global ignores supports.

对于 ignores 的所有用途:

¥For all uses of ignores:

  • 你定义的模式将添加到默认 ESLint 模式(即 ["**/node_modules/", ".git/"])之后。

    ¥The patterns you define are added after the default ESLint patterns, which are ["**/node_modules/", ".git/"].

  • 模式始终匹配以点开头的文件和目录,例如 .foo.js.fixtures,除非明确忽略这些文件。默认情况下唯一忽略的点目录是 .git

    ¥The patterns always match files and directories that begin with a dot, such as .foo.js or .fixtures, unless those files are explicitly ignored. The only dot directory ignored by default is .git.

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

// Example of global ignores
export default defineConfig([
      ignores: [".config/", "dist/", "tsconfig.json"] // acts as global ignores, due to the absence of other properties
    { ... }, // ... other configuration object, inherit global ignores
    { ... }, // ... other configuration object inherit global ignores

// Example of non-global ignores
export default defineConfig([
      ignores: [".config/**", "dir1/script1.js"],
      rules: { ... } // the presence of this property dictates non-global ignores
      ignores: ["other-dir/**", "dist/script2.js"],
      rules: { ... } // the presence of this property dictates non-global ignores

为避免混淆,请使用 globalIgnores() 辅助函数清楚地指出哪些忽略是全局的。以下是使用 globalIgnores() 重写的上一个示例:

¥To avoid confusion, use the globalIgnores() helper function to clearly indicate which ignores are meant to be global. Here’s the previous example rewritten to use globalIgnores():

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig, globalIgnores } from "eslint/config";

// Example of global ignores
export default defineConfig([
    globalIgnores([".config/", "dist/", "tsconfig.json"]),
    { ... }, // ... other configuration object, inherit global ignores
    { ... }, // ... other configuration object inherit global ignores

// Example of non-global ignores
export default defineConfig([
      ignores: [".config/**", "dir1/script1.js"],
      rules: { ... } // the presence of this property dictates non-global ignores
      ignores: ["other-dir/**", "dist/script2.js"],
      rules: { ... } // the presence of this property dictates non-global ignores

有关配置 ignores 规则的更多信息和示例,请参阅 忽略文件

¥For more information and examples on configuring rules regarding ignores, see Ignore Files.


¥Cascading Configuration Objects


¥When more than one configuration object matches a given filename, the configuration objects are merged with later objects overriding previous objects when there is a conflict. For example:

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		files: ["**/*.js"],
		languageOptions: {
			globals: {
				MY_CUSTOM_GLOBAL: "readonly",
		files: ["tests/**/*.js"],
		languageOptions: {
			globals: {
				it: "readonly",
				describe: "readonly",

使用此配置,所有 JavaScript 文件都定义了一个名为 MY_CUSTOM_GLOBAL 的自定义全局对象,而 tests 目录中的那些 JavaScript 文件将 itdescribe 定义为除 MY_CUSTOM_GLOBAL 之外的全局对象。对于测试目录中的任何 JavaScript 文件,都会应用两个配置对象,因此将 languageOptions.globals 合并以创建最终结果。

¥Using this configuration, all JavaScript files define a custom global object defined called MY_CUSTOM_GLOBAL while those JavaScript files in the tests directory have it and describe defined as global objects in addition to MY_CUSTOM_GLOBAL. For any JavaScript file in the tests directory, both configuration objects are applied, so languageOptions.globals are merged to create a final result.


¥Configuring Linter Options

可以使用 linterOptions 对象配置特定于代码检查过程的选项。这些影响 linting 如何进行,而不影响文件源代码的解释方式。

¥Options specific to the linting process can be configured using the linterOptions object. These effect how linting proceeds and does not affect how the source code of the file is interpreted.


¥Disabling Inline Configuration

内联配置是使用 /*eslint*/ 注释实现的,例如 /*eslint semi: error*/。你可以通过将 noInlineConfig 设置为 true 来禁止内联配置。启用后,将忽略所有内联配置。这是一个例子:

¥Inline configuration is implemented using an /*eslint*/ comment, such as /*eslint semi: error*/. You can disallow inline configuration by setting noInlineConfig to true. When enabled, all inline configuration is ignored. Here’s an example:

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		files: ["**/*.js"],
		linterOptions: {
			noInlineConfig: true,


¥Reporting Unused Disable Directives

禁用和启用指令(例如 /*eslint-disable*//*eslint-enable*//*eslint-disable-next-line*/)用于禁用代码某些部分的 ESLint 规则。随着代码的更改,可能不再需要这些指令,因为代码已更改为不再触发规则。你可以通过将 reportUnusedDisableDirectives 选项设置为严重性字符串来启用对这些未使用的禁用指令的报告,如下例所示:

¥Disable and enable directives such as /*eslint-disable*/, /*eslint-enable*/ and /*eslint-disable-next-line*/ are used to disable ESLint rules around certain portions of code. As code changes, it’s possible for these directives to no longer be needed because the code has changed in such a way that the rule is no longer triggered. You can enable reporting of these unused disable directives by setting the reportUnusedDisableDirectives option to a severity string, as in this example:

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		files: ["**/*.js"],
		linterOptions: {
			reportUnusedDisableDirectives: "error",

此设置默认为 "warn"

¥This setting defaults to "warn".

你可以使用 --report-unused-disable-directives--report-unused-disable-directives-severity 命令行选项覆盖此设置。

¥You can override this setting using the --report-unused-disable-directives or the --report-unused-disable-directives-severity command line options.

对于旧版兼容性,true 相当于 "warn"false 相当于 "off"

¥For legacy compatibility, true is equivalent to "warn" and false is equivalent to "off".


¥Reporting Unused Inline Configs

内联配置注释(例如 /* eslint rule-name: "error" */)用于更改 ESLint 规则严重性和/或代码某些部分的选项。随着项目的 ESLint 配置文件发生变化,这些指令可能不再与已设置的指令不同。你可以通过将 reportUnusedInlineConfigs 选项设置为严重性字符串来启用这些未使用的内联配置注释的报告,如下例所示:

¥Inline config comments such as /* eslint rule-name: "error" */ are used to change ESLint rule severity and/or options around certain portions of code. As a project’s ESLint configuration file changes, it’s possible for these directives to no longer be different from what was already set. You can enable reporting of these unused inline config comments by setting the reportUnusedInlineConfigs option to a severity string, as in this example:

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		files: ["**/*.js"],
		linterOptions: {
			reportUnusedInlineConfigs: "error",

你可以使用 --report-unused-inline-configs 命令行选项覆盖此设置。

¥You can override this setting using the --report-unused-inline-configs command line option.


¥Configuring Rules

你可以通过添加一个 rules 属性来在配置对象中配置任意数量的规则,该属性包含一个带有你的规则配置的对象。此对象中的名称是规则的名称,值是每个规则的配置。这是一个例子:

¥You can configure any number of rules in a configuration object by add a rules property containing an object with your rule configurations. The names in this object are the names of the rules and the values are the configurations for each of those rules. Here’s an example:

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		rules: {
			semi: "error",

此配置对象指定应启用 semi 规则,其严重性为 "error"。你还可以通过指定数组来为规则提供选项,其中第一项是严重性,之后的每个项都是规则的选项。例如,你可以通过传递 "never" 作为选项来切换 semi 规则以禁止使用分号:

¥This configuration object specifies that the semi rule should be enabled with a severity of "error". You can also provide options to a rule by specifying an array where the first item is the severity and each item after that is an option for the rule. For example, you can switch the semi rule to disallow semicolons by passing "never" as an option:

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		rules: {
			semi: ["error", "never"],

每个规则都指定了自己的选项,并且可以是任何有效的 JSON 数据类型。请查看你要配置的规则的文档以获取有关其可用选项的更多信息。

¥Each rule specifies its own options and can be any valid JSON data type. Please check the documentation for the rule you want to configure for more information about its available options.

有关配置规则的更多信息,请参阅 配置规则

¥For more information on configuring rules, see Configure Rules.


¥Configuring Shared Settings

ESLint 支持将共享设置添加到配置文件中。当你将 settings 对象添加到配置对象时,它会提供给每个规则。按照惯例,插件将它们感兴趣的设置命名空间以避免与其他设置发生冲突。插件可以使用 settings 来指定应该在所有规则中共享的信息。如果你要添加自定义规则并希望它们能够访问相同的信息,这可能会很有用。这是一个例子:

¥ESLint supports adding shared settings into configuration files. When you add a settings object to a configuration object, it is supplied to every rule. By convention, plugins namespace the settings they are interested in to avoid collisions with others. Plugins can use settings to specify the information that should be shared across all of their rules. This may be useful if you are adding custom rules and want them to have access to the same information. Here’s an example:

// eslint.config.js
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		settings: {
			sharedData: "Hello",
		plugins: {
			customPlugin: {
				rules: {
					"my-rule": {
						meta: {
							// custom rule's meta information
						create(context) {
							const sharedData = context.settings.sharedData;
							return {
								// code
		rules: {
			"customPlugin/my-rule": "error",


¥Extending Configurations

配置对象使用 extends 继承另一个配置对象或数组(包括规则、插件和语言选项)的所有特性,然后可以修改所有选项。extends 键是一个值数组,指示要从哪些配置扩展。extends 数组的元素可以是以下三个值之一:

¥A configuration object uses extends to inherit all the traits of another configuration object or array (including rules, plugins, and language options) and can then modify all the options. The extends key is an array of values indicating which configurations to extend from. The elements of the extends array can be one of three values:

  • 指定插件中配置名称的字符串

    ¥a string that specifies the name of a configuration in a plugin

  • 配置对象

    ¥a configuration object

  • 配置数组

    ¥a configuration array


¥Using Configurations from Plugins

ESLint 插件可以导出预定义配置。这些配置使用字符串引用并遵循模式 pluginName/configName。必须首先在 plugins 键中指定插件。这是一个例子:

¥ESLint plugins can export predefined configurations. These configurations are referenced using a string and follow the pattern pluginName/configName. The plugin must be specified in the plugins key first. Here’s an example:

// eslint.config.js
import examplePlugin from "eslint-plugin-example";
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		files: ["**/*.js"],
		plugins: {
			example: examplePlugin,
		extends: ["example/recommended"],

在此示例中,加载了来自 eslint-plugin-example 的名为 recommended 的配置。插件配置也可以通过配置数组中的名称引用。

¥In this example, the configuration named recommended from eslint-plugin-example is loaded. The plugin configurations can also be referenced by name inside of the configuration array.

你还可以将插件配置直接插入 extends 数组。例如:

¥You can also insert plugin configurations directly into the extends array. For example:

// eslint.config.js
import pluginExample from "eslint-plugin-example";
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		files: ["**/*.js"],
		plugins: {
			example: pluginExample,
		extends: [pluginExample.configs.recommended],

在这种情况下,可以通过插件对象的 configs 属性直接访问来自 eslint-plugin-example 的名为 recommended 的配置。

¥In this case, the configuration named recommended from eslint-plugin-example is accessed directly through the plugin object’s configs property.


¥Using Predefined Configurations

ESLint 有两个预定义的 JavaScript 配置:

¥ESLint has two predefined configurations for JavaScript:

  • js/recommended - 启用 ESLint 建议每个人都使用的规则以避免潜在错误。

    ¥js/recommended - enables the rules that ESLint recommends everyone use to avoid potential errors.

  • js/all - 启用 ESLint 附带的所有规则。不建议将此配置用于生产,因为它会随着 ESLint 的每个小版本和主要版本而变化。使用风险自负。

    ¥js/all - enables all of the rules shipped with ESLint. This configuration is not recommended for production use because it changes with every minor and major version of ESLint. Use at your own risk.

要包含这些预定义配置,请安装 @eslint/js 包,然后对后续配置对象中的其他属性进行任何修改:

¥To include these predefined configurations, install the @eslint/js package and then make any modifications to other properties in subsequent configuration objects:

// eslint.config.js
import js from "@eslint/js";
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		files: ["**/*.js"],
		plugins: {
		extends: ["js/recommended"],
		rules: {
			"no-unused-vars": "warn",

在这里,首先应用 js/recommended 预定义的配置,然后另一个配置对象为 no-unused-vars 添加所需的配置。

¥Here, the js/recommended predefined configuration is applied first and then another configuration object adds the desired configuration for no-unused-vars.

有关如何将预定义配置与你的偏好相结合的更多信息,请参阅 组合配置

¥For more information on how to combine predefined configs with your preferences, please see Combine Configs.


¥Using a Shareable Configuration Package

可共享配置是导出配置对象或数组的 npm 包。该包应作为项目中的依赖安装,然后从 eslint.config.js 文件内部引用。例如,要使用名为 eslint-config-example 的可共享配置,你的配置文件将如下所示:

¥A sharable configuration is an npm package that exports a configuration object or array. This package should be installed as a dependency in your project and then referenced from inside of your eslint.config.js file. For example, to use a shareable configuration named eslint-config-example, your configuration file would look like this:

// eslint.config.js
import exampleConfig from "eslint-config-example";
import { defineConfig } from "eslint/config";

export default defineConfig([
		files: ["**/*.js"],
		extends: [exampleConfig],
		rules: {
			"no-unused-vars": "warn",

在此示例中,exampleConfig 可以是对象或数组,无论哪种方式,都可以直接插入到 extends 数组中。

¥In this example, exampleConfig can be either an object or an array, and either way it can be inserted directly into the extends array.

有关如何将可共享配置与你的偏好相结合的更多信息,请参阅 组合配置

¥For more information on how to combine shareable configs with your preferences, please see Combine Configs.


¥Configuration Naming Conventions

name 属性是可选的,但建议为每个配置对象提供一个名称,尤其是在创建共享配置时。该名称用于错误消息和配置检查器中,以帮助识别正在使用哪个配置对象。

¥The name property is optional, but it is recommended to provide a name for each configuration object, especially when you are creating shared configurations. The name is used in error messages and the config inspector to help identify which configuration object is being used.

该名称应该描述配置对象的用途,并使用 / 作为分隔符以配置名称或插件名称为范围。ESLint 不强制运行时名称唯一,但建议设置唯一名称以避免混淆。

¥The name should be descriptive of the configuration object’s purpose and scoped with the configuration name or plugin name using / as a separator. ESLint does not enforce the names to be unique at runtime, but it is recommended that unique names be set to avoid confusion.

例如,如果你要为名为 eslint-plugin-example 的插件创建配置对象,则可以将 name 添加到带有 example/ 前缀的配置对象中:

¥For example, if you are creating a configuration object for a plugin named eslint-plugin-example, you might add name to the configuration objects with the example/ prefix:

export default {
	configs: {
		recommended: {
			name: "example/recommended",
			rules: {
				"no-unused-vars": "warn",
		strict: {
			name: "example/strict",
			rules: {
				"no-unused-vars": "error",

当公开配置对象数组时,name 可能具有额外的范围级别来帮助识别配置对象。例如:

¥When exposing arrays of configuration objects, the name may have extra scoping levels to help identify the configuration object. For example:

export default {
	configs: {
		strict: [
				name: "example/strict/language-setup",
				languageOptions: {
					ecmaVersion: 2024,
				name: "example/strict/sub-config",
				file: ["src/**/*.js"],
				rules: {
					"no-unused-vars": "error",


¥Configuration File Resolution

当 ESLint 在命令行上运行时,它首先检查 eslint.config.js 的当前工作目录。如果找到该文件,则搜索停止,否则检查 eslint.config.mjs。如果找到该文件,则搜索停止,否则检查 eslint.config.cjs。如果未找到任何文件,它将检查每个文件的父目录。此搜索将继续,直到找到配置文件或到达根目录。

¥When ESLint is run on the command line, it first checks the current working directory for eslint.config.js. If that file is found, then the search stops, otherwise it checks for eslint.config.mjs. If that file is found, then the search stops, otherwise it checks for eslint.config.cjs. If none of the files are found, it checks the parent directory for each file. This search continues until either a config file is found or the root directory is reached.

你可以通过在命令行上使用 -c--config 选项指定备用配置文件来阻止搜索 eslint.config.js,例如:

¥You can prevent this search for eslint.config.js by using the -c or --config option on the command line to specify an alternate configuration file, such as:


npx eslint --config some-other-file.js **/*.js 


yarn dlx eslint --config some-other-file.js **/*.js 


pnpm dlx eslint --config some-other-file.js **/*.js 


bunx eslint --config some-other-file.js **/*.js 

在这种情况下,ESLint 不会搜索 eslint.config.js,而是使用 some-other-file.js

¥In this case, ESLint does not search for eslint.config.js and instead uses some-other-file.js.


¥Experimental Configuration File Resolution

你可以使用 unstable_config_lookup_from_file 标志来更改 ESLint 搜索配置文件的方式。ESLint 不会从当前工作目录搜索,而是首先从正在 linted 的文件的目录中开始搜索配置文件,然后向上搜索其祖级目录,直到找到 eslint.config.js 文件(或任何其他配置文件的扩展名)。这种行为更适合 monorepos,其中每个子目录可能有自己的配置文件。

¥You can use the unstable_config_lookup_from_file flag to change the way ESLint searches for configuration files. Instead of searching from the current working directory, ESLint will search for a configuration file by first starting in the directory of the file being linted and then searching up its ancestor directories until it finds a eslint.config.js file (or any other extension of configuration file). This behavior is better for monorepos, where each subdirectory may have its own configuration file.

要在命令行上使用此功能,请使用 --flag 标志:

¥To use this feature on the command line, use the --flag flag:

npx eslint --flag unstable_config_lookup_from_file .

有关使用功能标志的更多信息,请参阅 功能标志

¥For more information about using feature flags, see Feature Flags.

TypeScript 配置文件

¥TypeScript Configuration Files

对于 Deno 和 Bun,TypeScript 配置文件是原生支持的;对于 Node.js,你必须在项目中安装 2.0.0 或更高版本的可选 dev 依赖 jiti(ESLint 不会自动安装此依赖):

¥For Deno and Bun, TypeScript configuration files are natively supported; for Node.js, you must install the optional dev dependency jiti in version 2.0.0 or later in your project (this dependency is not automatically installed by ESLint):


npm install --save-dev jiti


yarn add --dev jiti


pnpm add --save-dev jiti


bun add --dev jiti

然后,你可以创建一个带有 .ts.mts.cts 扩展名的配置文件,并导出 配置对象 数组。

¥You can then create a configuration file with a .ts, .mts, or .cts extension, and export an array of configuration objects.


¥Configuration File Precedence

如果你有多个 ESLint 配置文件,ESLint 会优先处理 JavaScript 文件而不是 TypeScript 文件。优先顺序如下:

¥If you have multiple ESLint configuration files, ESLint prioritizes JavaScript files over TypeScript files. The order of precedence is as follows:

  1. eslint.config.js
  2. eslint.config.mjs
  3. eslint.config.cjs
  4. eslint.config.ts
  5. eslint.config.mts
  6. eslint.config.cts

要覆盖此行为,请使用 --config-c 命令行选项指定不同的配置文件:

¥To override this behavior, use the --config or -c command line option to specify a different configuration file:


npx eslint --config eslint.config.ts 


yarn dlx eslint --config eslint.config.ts 


pnpm dlx eslint --config eslint.config.ts 


bunx eslint --config eslint.config.ts