


配置文件 中使用来自 @eslint/jsrecommended 配置可以启用此规则

ECMAScript 提供了几个旨在按原样使用的全局对象。其中一些对象看起来好像是构造函数,因为它们的大小写(例如 MathJSON),但如果你尝试将它们作为函数执行,则会引发错误。

¥ECMAScript provides several global objects that are intended to be used as-is. Some of these objects look as if they could be constructors due their capitalization (such as Math and JSON) but will throw an error if you try to execute them as functions.

ECMAScript 5 规范 明确表示不能调用 MathJSON

¥The ECMAScript 5 specification makes it clear that both Math and JSON cannot be invoked:

Math 对象没有 [[Call]] 内部属性;无法将 Math 对象作为函数调用。

¥The Math object does not have a [[Call]] internal property; it is not possible to invoke the Math object as a function.

ECMAScript 2015 规范 明确表示不能调用 Reflect

¥The ECMAScript 2015 specification makes it clear that Reflect cannot be invoked:

Reflect 对象也没有 [[Call]] 内部方法;不可能将 Reflect 对象作为函数调用。

¥The Reflect object also does not have a [[Call]] internal method; it is not possible to invoke the Reflect object as a function.

ECMAScript 2017 规范 明确表示不能调用 Atomics

¥The ECMAScript 2017 specification makes it clear that Atomics cannot be invoked:

Atomics 对象没有 [[Call]] 内部方法;不可能将 Atomics 对象作为函数调用。

¥The Atomics object does not have a [[Call]] internal method; it is not possible to invoke the Atomics object as a function.

并且 ECMAScript 国际化 API 规范 明确表示不能调用 Intl

¥And the ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification makes it clear that Intl cannot be invoked:

Intl 对象没有 [[Call]] 内部方法;不可能将 Intl 对象作为函数调用。

¥The Intl object does not have a [[Call]] internal method; it is not possible to invoke the Intl object as a function.


¥Rule Details

此规则不允许将 MathJSONReflectAtomicsIntl 对象作为函数调用。

¥This rule disallows calling the Math, JSON, Reflect, Atomics and Intl objects as functions.

此规则还禁止将这些对象用作带有 new 运算符的构造函数。

¥This rule also disallows using these objects as constructors with the new operator.


¥Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-obj-calls: "error"*/

var math = Math();

var newMath = new Math();

var json = JSON();

var newJSON = new JSON();

var reflect = Reflect();

var newReflect = new Reflect();

var atomics = Atomics();

var newAtomics = new Atomics();

var intl = Intl();

var newIntl = new Intl();


¥Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-obj-calls: "error"*/

function area(r) {
    return Math.PI * r * r;

var object = JSON.parse("{}");

var value = Reflect.get({ x: 1, y: 2 }, "x");

var first = Atomics.load(foo, 0);

var segmenterFr = new Intl.Segmenter("fr", { granularity: "word" });

由 TypeScript 处理

使用 TypeScript 时禁用此规则是安全的,因为 TypeScript 的编译器强制执行此检查。


此规则是在 ESLint v0.0.9 中引入。



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