
强制类方法使用 this

如果一个类方法不使用 this,有时可以做成静态函数。如果你确实将该方法转换为静态函数,则调用该特定方法的类的实例也必须转换为静态调用(MyClass.callStaticMethod()

¥If a class method does not use this, it can sometimes be made into a static function. If you do convert the method into a static function, instances of the class that call that particular method have to be converted to a static call as well (MyClass.callStaticMethod())

可能有一个不使用 this 的类方法,例如:

¥It’s possible to have a class method which doesn’t use this, such as:

class A {
    constructor() {
        this.a = "hi";

    print() {

    sayHi() {

let a = new A();
a.sayHi(); // => "hi"

在上面的例子中,sayHi 方法没有使用 this,所以我们可以把它变成一个静态方法:

¥In the example above, the sayHi method doesn’t use this, so we can make it a static method:

class A {
    constructor() {
        this.a = "hi";

    print() {

    static sayHi() {

A.sayHi(); // => "hi"

还请注意,在上面的例子中,如果将方法切换为静态方法,则调用静态方法 (let a = new A(); a.sayHi();) 的类的实例必须更新为静态调用 (A.sayHi();),而不是让类的实例调用该方法。

¥Also note in the above examples that if you switch a method to a static method, instances of the class that call the static method (let a = new A(); a.sayHi();) have to be updated to being a static call (A.sayHi();) instead of having the instance of the class call the method.


¥Rule Details

此规则旨在标记不使用 this 的类方法。

¥This rule is aimed to flag class methods that do not use this.


¥Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint class-methods-use-this: "error"*/

class A {
    foo() {
        console.log("Hello World");     /*error Expected 'this' to be used by class method 'foo'.*/


¥Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint class-methods-use-this: "error"*/

class A {
    foo() { = "Hello World"; // OK, this is used

class B {
    constructor() {
        // OK. constructor is exempt

class C {
    static foo() {
        // OK. static methods aren't expected to use this.

    static {
        // OK. static blocks are exempt.




¥This rule has two options:

  • "exceptMethods" 允许使用此规则忽略指定的方法名称。

    ¥"exceptMethods" allows specified method names to be ignored with this rule.

  • "enforceForClassFields" 强制用作实例字段初始值设定项的函数使用 this。(默认:true

    ¥"enforceForClassFields" enforces that functions used as instance field initializers utilize this. (default: true)


"class-methods-use-this": [<enabled>, { "exceptMethods": [<...exceptions>] }]

"exceptMethods" 选项允许你传递要忽略警告的方法名称数组。例如,你可能有来自外部库的规范,要求你将方法覆盖为常规函数(而不是静态方法),并且不使用函数体内的 this。在这种情况下,你可以添加该方法以在警告中忽略。

¥The "exceptMethods" option allows you to pass an array of method names for which you would like to ignore warnings. For example, you might have a spec from an external library that requires you to overwrite a method as a regular function (and not as a static method) and does not use this inside the function body. In this case, you can add that method to ignore in the warnings.

当不使用 "exceptMethods" 时,此规则的错误代码示例:

¥Examples of incorrect code for this rule when used without "exceptMethods":

/*eslint class-methods-use-this: "error"*/

class A {
    foo() {

与 exceptMethods 一起使用时此规则的正确代码示例:

¥Examples of correct code for this rule when used with exceptMethods:

/*eslint class-methods-use-this: ["error", { "exceptMethods": ["foo", "#bar"] }] */

class A {
    foo() {
    #bar() {


"class-methods-use-this": [<enabled>, { "enforceForClassFields": true | false }]

enforceForClassFields 选项强制用作实例字段初始值设定项的箭头函数和函数表达式使用 this。(默认:true

¥The enforceForClassFields option enforces that arrow functions and function expressions used as instance field initializers utilize this. (default: true)

使用 { "enforceForClassFields": true } 选项(默认)的此规则的错误代码示例:

¥Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "enforceForClassFields": true } option (default):

/*eslint class-methods-use-this: ["error", { "enforceForClassFields": true }] */

class A {
    foo = () => {}

使用 { "enforceForClassFields": true } 选项(默认)的此规则的正确代码示例:

¥Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "enforceForClassFields": true } option (default):

/*eslint class-methods-use-this: ["error", { "enforceForClassFields": true }] */

class A {
    foo = () => {this;}

使用 { "enforceForClassFields": false } 选项的此规则的正确代码示例:

¥Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "enforceForClassFields": false } option:

/*eslint class-methods-use-this: ["error", { "enforceForClassFields": false }] */

class A {
    foo = () => {}


此规则是在 ESLint v3.4.0 中引入。

