

🔧 Fixable

此规则报告的一些问题可通过 --fix 命令行 选项自动修复


This rule was deprecated in ESLint v8.53.0. Please use the corresponding rule in @stylistic/eslint-plugin-js.

Learn more

关键字是 JavaScript 的语法元素,例如 tryif。这些关键字对语言具有特殊意义,因此在代码编辑器中经常以不同的颜色出现。作为语言的重要组成部分,风格指南通常指的是应该在关键字周围使用的间距。例如,你可能有一个风格指南,它说关键字应该始终被空格包围,这意味着 if-else 语句必须如下所示:

¥Keywords are syntax elements of JavaScript, such as try and if. These keywords have special meaning to the language and so often appear in a different color in code editors. As an important part of the language, style guides often refer to the spacing that should be used around keywords. For example, you might have a style guide that says keywords should be always surrounded by spaces, which would mean if-else statements must look like this:

if (foo) {
    // ...
} else {
    // ...


¥Of course, you could also have a style guide that disallows spaces around keywords.

但是,如果要强制 function 关键字和后面的左括号之间的空格样式,请参考 space-before-function-paren

¥However, if you want to enforce the style of spacing between the function keyword and the following opening parenthesis, please refer to space-before-function-paren.


¥Rule Details

此规则在关键字和类似关键字的标记周围强制执行一致的间距:as(在模块声明中)、async(异步函数)、await(等待表达式)、breakcasecatchclassconstcontinuedebuggerdefaultdeletedoelseexportextendsfinallyforfrom(在模块声明中),functionget(getters),ifimportin(for-in 语句),letnewof(for-of 语句),returnset(setters), staticsuperswitchthisthrowtrytypeofvarvoidwhilewithyield。此规则经过精心设计,不会与其他间距规则冲突:它不适用于其他规则报告问题的间距。

¥This rule enforces consistent spacing around keywords and keyword-like tokens: as (in module declarations), async (of async functions), await (of await expressions), break, case, catch, class, const, continue, debugger, default, delete, do, else, export, extends, finally, for, from (in module declarations), function, get (of getters), if, import, in (in for-in statements), let, new, of (in for-of statements), return, set (of setters), static, super, switch, this, throw, try, typeof, var, void, while, with, and yield. This rule is designed carefully not to conflict with other spacing rules: it does not apply to spacing where other rules report problems.




¥This rule has an object option:

  • "before": true(默认)关键字前至少需要一个空格

    ¥"before": true (default) requires at least one space before keywords

  • "before": false 关键字前不允许有空格

    ¥"before": false disallows spaces before keywords

  • "after": true(默认)关键字后至少需要一个空格

    ¥"after": true (default) requires at least one space after keywords

  • "after": false 关键字后不允许有空格

    ¥"after": false disallows spaces after keywords

  • "overrides" 允许覆盖指定关键字的间距样式

    ¥"overrides" allows overriding spacing style for specified keywords


使用默认 { "before": true } 选项的此规则的错误代码示例:

¥Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "before": true } option:

/*eslint keyword-spacing: ["error", { "before": true }]*/

if (foo) {
}else if (bar) {
}else {

使用默认 { "before": true } 选项的此规则的正确代码示例:

¥Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "before": true } option:

/*eslint keyword-spacing: ["error", { "before": true }]*/

if (foo) {
} else if (bar) {
} else {

// Avoid conflict with `array-bracket-spacing`
let a = [this];
let b = [function() {}];

// Avoid conflict with `arrow-spacing`
let c = ()=>;

// Avoid conflict with `block-spacing`
{function foo() {}}

// Avoid conflict with `comma-spacing`
let d = [100,,];

// Avoid conflict with `computed-property-spacing`
obj[] = 0;

// Avoid conflict with `generator-star-spacing`
function *bar() {}

// Avoid conflict with `key-spacing`
let obj1 = {
    foo:function() {}

// Avoid conflict with `object-curly-spacing`
let obj2 = {foo: this};

// Avoid conflict with `semi-spacing`
let e = this;function foo() {}

// Avoid conflict with `space-in-parens`
(function () {})();

// Avoid conflict with `space-infix-ops`
if ("foo"in {foo: 0}) {}
if (<= {}

// Avoid conflict with `jsx-curly-spacing`
let f = <A foo={} bar={function(){}} />

使用 { "before": false } 选项的此规则的错误代码示例:

¥Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "before": false } option:

/*eslint keyword-spacing: ["error", { "before": false }]*/

if (foo) {
} else if (bar) {
} else {

使用 { "before": false } 选项的此规则的正确代码示例:

¥Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "before": false } option:

/*eslint keyword-spacing: ["error", { "before": false }]*/

if (foo) {
}else if (bar) {
}else {


使用默认 { "after": true } 选项的此规则的错误代码示例:

¥Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "after": true } option:

/*eslint keyword-spacing: ["error", { "after": true }]*/

if(foo) {
} else if(bar) {
} else{

使用默认 { "after": true } 选项的此规则的正确代码示例:

¥Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "after": true } option:

/*eslint keyword-spacing: ["error", { "after": true }]*/

if (foo) {
} else if (bar) {
} else {

// Avoid conflict with `array-bracket-spacing`
let a = [this];

// Avoid conflict with `arrow-spacing`
let b = ()=>;

// Avoid conflict with `comma-spacing`
let c = [100,,];

// Avoid conflict with `computed-property-spacing`
obj[] = 0;

// Avoid conflict with `generator-star-spacing`
function* foo() {}

// Avoid conflict with `key-spacing`
let obj1 = {
    foo:function() {}

// Avoid conflict with `func-call-spacing`
class A extends B {
    constructor() {

// Avoid conflict with `object-curly-spacing`
let obj2 = {foo: this};

// Avoid conflict with `semi-spacing`
let d = this;function bar() {}

// Avoid conflict with `space-before-function-paren`
(function() {})();

// Avoid conflict with `space-infix-ops`
if ("foo"in{foo: 0}) {}
if (<= {}

// Avoid conflict with `space-unary-ops`
function* baz(a) {
    return yield+a;

// Avoid conflict with `yield-star-spacing`
function* qux(a) {
    return yield* a;

// Avoid conflict with `jsx-curly-spacing`
let e = <A foo={} bar={function(){}} />

使用 { "after": false } 选项的此规则的错误代码示例:

¥Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "after": false } option:

/*eslint keyword-spacing: ["error", { "after": false }]*/

if (foo) {
} else if (bar) {
} else {

使用 { "after": false } 选项的此规则的正确代码示例:

¥Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "after": false } option:

/*eslint keyword-spacing: ["error", { "after": false }]*/

if(foo) {
} else if(bar) {
} else{


使用 { "overrides": { "if": { "after": false }, "for": { "after": false }, "while": { "after": false }, "static": { "after": false }, "as": { "after": false } } } 选项的此规则的正确代码示例:

¥Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "overrides": { "if": { "after": false }, "for": { "after": false }, "while": { "after": false }, "static": { "after": false }, "as": { "after": false } } } option:

/*eslint keyword-spacing: ["error", { "overrides": {
  "if": { "after": false },
  "for": { "after": false },
  "while": { "after": false },
  "static": { "after": false },
  "as": { "after": false }
} }]*/

if(foo) {
} else if(bar) {
} else {


while(true) {

class C {

export { C as"my class" };


¥When Not To Use It


¥If you don’t want to enforce consistency on keyword spacing, then it’s safe to disable this rule.


此规则是在 ESLint v2.0.0-beta.1 中引入。
